Commercial wallpaper Singapore
Unlike wallpaper for homes, commercial wallpaper and wall covering are manufactured with a specific purpose in mind. These types of medium and heavy-duty wallpaper and wall covering solutions are performance driven and are geared more towards higher traffic areas such as retail stores, healthcare centers, schools, and business offices. Goodrich offer commercial and contract wallpaper, wall covering and wall protection solutions that withstand industry guidelines for specific performance standards which will includes fire…
Commercial wallpaper Singapore
Unlike wallpaper for homes, commercial wallpaper and wall covering are manufactured with a specific purpose in mind. These types of medium and heavy-duty wallpaper and wall covering solutions are performance driven and are geared more towards higher traffic areas such as retail stores, healthcare centers, schools, and business offices.
Goodrich offer commercial and contract wallpaper, wall covering and wall protection solutions that withstand industry guidelines for specific performance standards which will includes fire rating, eco-friendly and safety classifications.