A superb wallpaper that will equally adorn a classic and a contemporary interior, this piece is part of the Opera IV Collection, a series of wallcoverings distinctive for their handmade crafting, stunning texture, and the irregularities of their geometric decorative patterns.
A wallpaper of rare visual impact, this design is part of the Opera III Collection, created after a customized project and a bold and elegant choice for modern and classic interiors. The background mixed with black accents and given a metallic glow, is enriched by an irregular decorative pattern and unique texture.
Combining modern aesthetic with handmade, traditional craftsmanship, this stunning wallpaper will add a unique glow to both a modern and a contemporary interior.
A timeless and unique wall decoration that will create an intriguing visual impact in a contemporary interior, Opera I Collection is a combination of silver non-woven fabric, gum sandarac, and white clay that results in a striking texture.
Baresque’s Zintra Acoustic Panel is the perfect solution for your application where acoustic performance as well as aesthetics are required. Zintra’s wide range of colours and ease of use make it the ideal material for commercial, hospitality and institutional projects.
Walltalkers products are flexible and adapt to their environments, allowing easy interaction in beautiful, custom interiors. They provide the canvas, sketchpad, and drawing board for changing the world.